If you give a human a hobby, they are going to look for a group to talk about their new hobby. When you tell them about a group that includes people who are interested, they are going to want to attend some meetings. When they finds out that the meetings are normally held in garb, they'll want to know what garb they should wear. When they figure that out they are going to want to make it! When it's made they will ask for more information on the things to go with it like shoes, belts, and hats.
We all know how that goes. Because researching and making garb leads to researching and making things to go with garb such as belts, pouches, and turn shoes. Both making and researching then lead to A&S displays or competitions. A&S, plus general social things, leads to travel and camping which of course lead to other thoughts about camping (glamping versus minimalist). Of course all of this leads back around to a personal blog including the need to put at least a few pictures up to relieve the walls of text.
My assistant and supervisor |
Perhaps it is the dull cloudy day affecting me but I am feeling some of hesitation towards my dive into the SCA right now. I need to make more things to practice the skills that I want to master but I hate putting money into practice pieces. Which is, as an aside, why I like learning new cooking things. Eat your mistakes!
I've always been funny about money and hobbies. Some of it will clear up in the spring but for now the front loaded costs of some garb, some leather, and the cost of events (mostly travel) is fresh in my mind. Which makes me want to focus on research. But if you give a man a research project, he will want to tell someone about it. That means both travel and better garb. And so the cycle goes.
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